Featured Creators
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Ehsan Khalil
Director, Creator Relations
Saashups Community
Lead Conversion Flow for B2B and B2C
John Cronin
Digital Evangelist, Digital Transformation, Marketing Attribution, CRM Strategy
Demand Generation Suite
Jorge Melgarejo
Loan Officer
PRMG Capital
Generate Real Estate Leads
Robert James Bowers Jr.
Salesforce Consultant
Torrent Consulting
Lead Conversion Flow for B2B and B2C
Troy Tessalone
Automation Consultant
Automation Ace
Pipedrive B2B/B2C Communication
Playbook Royalties
Let's partner to add Live Playbooks and a
5-Star backend operation to your agency business.
Clients are delighted when you provide instant service delivery and trusted expertise for up to 90% savings.
Earn passive income in many ways from their direct sales and sales generated from their Profile Pages.
Time Commitment:
15 min to create profile
20 min/mo to promote your Profile Page
No cap on earnings
Managed Services
Let's partner to add Live Playbooks and a
5-Star backend operation to your agency business.
Clients are delighted when you provide instant service delivery and trusted expertise for up to 90% savings.
Earn passive income in many ways from their direct sales and sales generated from their Profile Pages.
Time Commitment:
15 min to create profile
20 min/mo to promote your Profile Page
No cap on earnings
Frequently Asked Questions
How does this work? Millions of businesses around the world order Live Playbooks and subscribe to apps through Saashups. When a business signs up on your profile page the user is earmarked to automatically pay you a revenue share on Saashups purchases from your pages and commissions from participating apps.
How do I get paid? We connect to your bank account and deposit funds with tips, playbook sales, and Makesbridge app commissions.
Do I have to learn a new platform? No. Saashups' onboarding teams do the deployment and setup for all Users. The team is trained on the sequence rules and apps.
Am I required to have an Ask Advice and Meeting link on my profile? No. You can just use your Saashups Profile page as a means to suggest sequence options to others. You don't need to participate or directly engage visitors.