John Cronin
Digital Evangelist, Digital Transformation, Marketing Attribution, CRM Strategy
Demand Generation Suite
A successful lead follow-up operation is like onions - it has many layers.
I developed this lead follow-up framework specifically for purchased leads from lead generation sites for everyone to systematically cut through Gmail delivery issues and increase meetings per message sent.
Do you want a 56% open rate, 40% Gmail open rate, and 6% meeting conversion rate? You can use my system for Purchased Lead follow-up for free here.
I developed the system based on thousands of message tests I've worked with on Makesbridge and Salesforce over the past 12 years. During this time, I've paid close attention to the levers and apps that make messaging more effective.
Suppose you want your purchased lead follow-up system to convert more customers or get you into contention. Here are three layers and questions you need to ask yourself regarding your plan.
1. Gmail Reputation Building: Are you having delivery issues?
If they don't get your email, nothing else matters. Use personalized mailto links that auto-create reply message subjects and personalize their responses. More replies translate to an improved reputation.
2. Psychology of Convenience: Do you personalize meeting times in preset message replies?
Increase leads' motivation to respond by merging the person's complete contact information, meeting time, and agenda information in the lead's response email.
3. Speed: Are you sending messages in under 5 Minutes regardless of data source?
Reach out to all leads from all your digital ads, landing pages, purchased data feeds, and third-party call centers within 5 minutes.
In your first message, always talk about their urgent pain points, the desired gains you help them achieve, and the use cases.